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SROH Refresher/Training material completed.

Working with Paul Wilkins at the London Borough of Enfield, an initial discussion developed into a more significant idea. Six months before this, we developed a generic presentation outlining changes and updates within the latest version of the Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in the Highway (SROH), presented to a range of participants, including David Capon, CEO of the Joint Authorities Group UK.

The presentation received positive feedback, leading to a discussion with Mr Capon where we could further explore simplification and explanation relating to the SROH.

This resulted in compiling a draft presentation concerning Section 2 of the SROH relating to performance requirements, which we presented through various forums and meetings to gain feedback on whether this was a viable proposition to expand into the whole SROH code of practice document. The presentations received positive feedback, and many trial participants enquired if we could expand on the idea or provide them with such information directly.

We intend to provide an objective approach to the SROH document so it may assist in clarifying technical and legal requirements to all interested parties, with specific relevance to operatives up to senior management from engineering companies, undertakers and local authorities.

Constant feedback from a wide range of interested parties assisted with this venture, and subjective opinions and approaches have been considered based on the legal requirements of relevant regulations or specifications.

We are now proud to announce that we have completed refresher/training documents for all sections and appendices of the SROH and this has been announced on the JAG UK website here: Specification for Reinstatement of Openings in the Highway 4th Edition Training Material Published | JAG(UK) (jaguk.org)

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